Legal info

Legal info

MODIS is the brand by which XPE Group NV and Cmast bvba in Belgium and other companies of the Adecco group elsewhere in the world perform services directed to the specific IT-related niche.

MODIS is a brand for XPE Group NV and Cmast bvba, which in turn are part of The Adecco Group.

The basic legal info on Adecco Belgium can be found here

The basic legal info on XPE Group NV is

Corporate Seat
Noordkustlaan 16B , 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden

BE 0451.710.984 (RLE Brussels)

Authentications (for R&S activities)
Flanders /Vlaanderen VG .1834/B

Brussels/Brussel/Bruxelles 00263-405-20121121

Wallonia /Wallonie W.RS.657

The basic legal info on Cmast bvba is

Corporate Seat

Georges Van Dammeplein 57, 9140 Temse

BE 0807.942.001 (RLE Brussels)